Huge ship that mysteriously went missing 120 years ago found in Australia
Huge ship that mysteriously went missing 120 years ago found in Australia

The mystery of the SS Nemesis is finally closed

Airline pilots’ UFO sightings demystified in case of mistaken identity
Airline pilots’ UFO sightings demystified in case of mistaken identity

What they’re seeing is a lot closer to home than they realize.

‘Dragonfly’ plane mysteriously lost in New Zealand’s ‘Bermuda Triangle’ is still being searched for 60 years later
‘Dragonfly’ plane mysteriously lost in New Zealand’s ‘Bermuda Triangle’ is still being searched for 60 years later

The mystery surrounding the Dragonfly Plane continues to this day.

Huge mysterious ‘alien’ monolith appears out of nowhere confusing locals
Huge mysterious ‘alien’ monolith appears out of nowhere confusing locals

What exactly is it?

Mysterious 32-crew ship that vanished without a trace finally discovered after century-long wait
Mysterious 32-crew ship that vanished without a trace finally discovered after century-long wait

It’s not everyday you put a century-long mystery to rest.