
Este es el aspecto que tendrá Dubai en 2070 y es absolutamente salvaje

Androids, robot-dogs that transform into flying supercars and swarms of drones in the sky, this version of the future looks incredible.

Published on May 22, 2023 at 2:20PM (UTC+4)

Last updated on May 23, 2023 at 6:51PM (UTC+4)

Editado por Kate Bain
Dubai in 2070, feature image

Berlin-based graphic designer Janusz Ronki is showcasing what Dubai is going to look like in 2070, 47 years from now.

The video features a combination of things that we all assume are going to be a reality in 2070, including some tech that’s already available.

It looks absolutely wild, and a bit weird – check it out.


First and foremost, and rather predictably, there are flying cars.

We’ve been talking about flying cars for a long time now and they haven’t exactly materialized yet.

Mind you, eVTOL adoption is already taking off, pun intended, and some might say this new generation of drone-shaped aircraft is the closest thing to a flying car we’ve got today.

Obviously, there are robots, too.

Some of the robots you see in the video already exist, like the Boston Dynamics-style robot-dog that transforms into a McLaren supercar at the end of the video.

Keen-eyed viewers will also spot a robot that looks a lot like R2-D2 from the Star Wars franchise and another one that stands on two legs, like a human being.

The video went viral and people are going crazy in the comments.

“People in 1986 thought the same thing about 2023 and look where we are,” one user said.

“Flying cars for the everyday citizen will never be a thing, the death rate and destruction would be insane,” wrote another.

Other users resorted to irony.

“That Toyota Corolla lasted 80 years. Impressive,” wrote another, referencing the 2023 Toyota Corolla that can be seen at the beginning of the video.

And then, bizarrely, some people thought it was real.

“Two minutes silence for those who thought it was real”, another user said.

No one knows what’s going to happen in the next 47 years but everyone seems to agree Artificial Intelligence and robots will play a key part.

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