The sleek superyacht is a thing of beauty.

Will China finally be able to go mainstream?

Faster isn’t always the answer.

Dubai is giving Giza a run for its money.

You can actually see the after-burners.

The superyacht also has a water slide, Jacuzzi, and a trampoline.

Passengers onboard the A380 must’ve been terrified.

You could call Messi one of your neighbors – if you’ve got $6.5 million going spare.

It holds over 3,280 military aircraft and 13 aerospace vehicles.

Blink and you’ve probably missed it.

There’s one in Kansas that’s selling living units that cost seven figures.

It looks surprisingly… ‘normal’.

The futuristic-looking basketball comes with a pretty hefty price tag.

This is how NASA is making quiet commercial supersonic flight possible.

Even ghosts and squatters can live in a luxurious life here.