That’s what we call living life to its fullest

1,000 contestants will compete.

It’s larger than you think.

It’s a move towards automating its warehouses.

Despite selling off a chunk of her shares, MacKenzie Scott is still worth $42.6 billion.

The demand for AI tech is behind the boom.

It is so massive it doesn’t fit the docks that ‘regular’ superyachts use

Amazon will allow users to buy a Hyundai car directly through the site.

He bought a neighbouring estate for $68 million two months ago.

2022 is a bad year for the world’s wealthiest people; they’ve lost $1.4 trillion so far.

Blade Runner 2099 is heading to your TV Screens – but what will it be about?

This is the first time he’s taken the top spot on the world’s billionaires list.

Pete Davidson, American comedy actor best known for his appearances on Saturday Night Live, will be one of the few travelling on Jeff Bezos’ next flight into space.