Canadian pilot breaks down the true costs of owning a helicopter
Canadian pilot breaks down the true costs of owning a helicopter

This is what it costs per hour

Seven airplanes bought unseen for $100,000 from Facebook Marketplace, man needs to get them all started and sold for a free plane
Seven airplanes bought unseen for $100,000 from Facebook Marketplace, man needs to get them all started and sold for a free plane

After buying seven airplanes for $100,000 without seeing them from Facebook Marketplace, this fanatic accepted a challenge to see if he could get all carriers back in the air again and sold on within a week. Jimmy Webb is a plane fanatic, having previously restored hundreds of planes. But this time, he’d be pushing himself […]

Woman moving states from LA to Vegas flies herself in a beautiful 50-year-old private plane
Young commercial pilot from Indiana bought the most affordable airplane on the market after years of saving to fly it across America, reveals what he spent and its operating costs
Young commercial pilot from Indiana bought the most affordable airplane on the market after years of saving to fly it across America, reveals what he spent and its operating costs

After buying the most affordable plane on the market, this brilliant young pilot from Indiana has revealed just how cheap it was for him to fly halfway around America. This enterprising YouTuber managed to scrape together enough money to get himself a plane, and got a great deal in the process. Well, a great deal […]

Abandoned Boeing 727 sitting idle at El Paso Airport for decades was bought for the price of 10 iPhones
Abandoned Boeing 727 sitting idle at El Paso Airport for decades was bought for the price of 10 iPhones

This abandoned plane is now ready for a new life

Abandoned Boeing 737 sitting in a field in rural Canada is on Google Maps as a local landmark
Abandoned Boeing 737 sitting in a field in rural Canada is on Google Maps as a local landmark

A plane with a rich history and a sad story

American CEO breaks down the shocking costs of operating a private jet
American CEO breaks down the shocking costs of operating a private jet

Private jets don’t come cheap

YouTuber exploring Motley Crue’s abandoned private jet says it’s a perfectly good airplane but grounded because an engine part would be $800K
YouTuber exploring Motley Crue’s abandoned private jet says it’s a perfectly good airplane but grounded because an engine part would be $800K

The plane that carried Motley Crue around the globe is now an abandoned private jet that could be bought for less than a new car. This plane has enjoyed quite a lifetime. From a career in the military, deployed on various missions around the world, it spent its retirement years hosting parties for rockstars. But […]