
The Mercedes AVTR can crawl sideways

The Mercedes AVTR is one of the most interesting concept cars out there.
  • The Mercedes AVTR is one of the most unique concept cars in existence
  • It was produced in collaboration with the movie Avatar
  • The concept car can read the driver’s heartbeat and breathing, as well as driving sideways like a crab

Published on Jan 17, 2024 at 2:39PM (UTC+4)

Last updated on Jan 17, 2024 at 2:39PM (UTC+4)

Édité par Adam Gray

The Mercedes AVTR is a collaboration between Mercedes-Benz and the movie Avatar, and it’s capable of crawling sideways like a crab.

It’s one of the most unique and fascinating concept cars out there, with beautiful details that could convince you it was actually alive.

We didn’t call it the ‘world’s coolest concept car’ for nothing, you know?

The AVTR is designed to look like it came straight out of the world of James Cameron’s movies, and it would be fair to say they achieved that goal.

Apparently, it can even tell what mood you are in, connecting with the driver through their breathing.

At night, it looks as much like something out of Tron as Avatar, but that’s still super cool, right?

Feast your eyes on one of the most incredible concept cars out there right now.

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