NASA’s X-59 ‘quiet’ supersonic jet passes critical test
NASA’s X-59 ‘quiet’ supersonic jet passes critical test

This could be revolutionary

World’s first commercial space plane is getting nearer to takeoff
World’s first commercial space plane is getting nearer to takeoff

It will go to the ISS

America to fly the first plane with no forward-facing windows in a century
America to fly the first plane with no forward-facing windows in a century

Using technology to overcome design challenges

NASA spacecraft spots dead robot on Mars surface
NASA spacecraft spots dead robot on Mars surface

NASA spotted a ‘dead’ robot on the surface of Mars in new images taken by its Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.  The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (or MRO) blasted off into space back in 2005, tasked with searching for evidence that water will persist on Mars’s surface for long periods of time. Previous NASA missions to Mars have […]

NASA uses supercomputer to create video showing what it’s like to fall into a black hole
NASA uses supercomputer to create video showing what it’s like to fall into a black hole

It’s an entirely new POV

Family photo on the moon was left by astronaut in 1972 and has a hidden message
Family photo on the moon was left by astronaut in 1972 and has a hidden message

A successful mission both professionally and personally