
Le spectaculaire spectacle lumineux de Tesla établit un nouveau record avec une flotte de véhicules sans précédent

The new record reportedly nearly triples the old record set in September.
  • A new record for the largest Tesla light show has been clinched by owners in Finland
  • Apparently, 687 vehicles were present on the site in the country’s capital, Helsinki
  • The new record reportedly nearly triples the old record set in September

Published on Dec 14, 2023 at 5:38PM (UTC+4)

Last updated on Dec 14, 2023 at 5:38PM (UTC+4)

Édité par Amelia Jean Hershman-Jones
New world record for largest Tesla light show set in Finland

Owners taking part in a massive coordinated light show in Finland have set a new world for the largest Tesla light show.

Several videos have surfaced on social media of the event in the country’s capital city, Helsinki.

Apparently, the event attracted more than 687 cars on site, nearly tripling the old record.

One particular video shows the massive fleet of Teslas flashing their lights in synchronized rhythms to the track “Sandstorm” by Finnish artist, Darude.

The new record was nabbed from another event in Sepetember, during which around 255 Tesla vehicles were brought together for a coordinated light show to a remix of “Can’t Stop” by The Red Hot Chili Peppers.

It’s not all fun and games for Tesla owners, though.

Tesla is recalling more than two million cars due to safety concerns related to the Autopilot feature.

Watch the Tesla light show set a new record in the video down below!

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