
USAF Thunderbirds performing synchronized maneuvers will get your pulse racing

They put on a heck of a performance
  • The USAF Thunderbirds were created 71 years ago in 1953
  • They use the F-16 Fighting Falcon as their main aircraft
  • Watch them perform synchronized aerial stunts while only being a few feet apart

Published on Apr 29, 2024 at 6:46PM (UTC+4)

Last updated on Apr 29, 2024 at 7:02PM (UTC+4)

Édité par Tom Wood

The USAF Thunderbirds is an air demonstration squadron known for performing death-defying stunts.

In this video, we can see from a pilot’s POV how close these planes are when performing these aerial maneuvers.

Created 71 years ago in 1953, the USAF Thunderbirds are the third-oldest formal flying aerobatic team in the world.

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The USAF Thunderbirds demonstrate these stunts using the Air Force’s premier multi-role fighter jet, the F-16 Fighting Falcon.

Their performances are famous worldwide, as the team appears at air shows and flyovers performing their stunts and formation flying.

There really is nothing like experiencing a Thunderbirds performance in person.

Watching these graceful F-16 fighter jets elegantly maneuver in the sky only a few feet apart can get your pulse racing like crazy.

Admission to the USAF Thunderbirds air shows on military installations is generally free and open to the public.

However, the cost of attending civilian air shows may vary.

Fortunately, you can check out the entire 2024 show schedule for the USAF Thunderbirds on their website.

The squadron has been using the F-16 Fighting Falcon, since their 1983 season, and with good reason.

The only other squadron that comes close to their prowess is the US Navy’s Blue Angels.

So, if you like watching fighter jets perform death-defying aerial stunts, you can go and see one of their shows.

But if you can’t make it to their shows, then check out this F-22 Raptor rotating in the air at breakneck speed.

Other than the USAF Thunderbirds, many military squadrons around the world use the F-16 fighter jet to perform aerial stunts.

The US military is even working on a self-piloted version of the aircraft that can act as a scout, or even engage in combat.

Other than the F-16, the USAF Thunderbirds flew the F-84 Thunderjets, F-100 Super Sabres, F-4 Phantoms, and T-38 Talons.

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