One of Mr Lamborghini’s earliest sports cars untouched for 30 years discovered in a Miami Beach garage
Buckle up – it’s an emotional ride

These guys bought a 39-year-old Toyota and attempted to drive it 2400 miles from Utah to Texas without a trailer
Toyota Tercel put to the challenge

Private UK car collection of over 400 rare vehicles was hidden in plain sight
It also holds hundreds of superbikes

Astronaut revealed ‘lightbulb’ moment he had after seeing Earth from above
He was hit with a moment of realization

Bugatti boss says average buyer spends an extra $500k on customizations
Well, you’d want it to stand out, wouldn’t you?

50-meter superyacht has been stuck on a reef since 2015 and locals are doing everything they can to salvage it
Using just their hands and some buckets

Formula 1 driver transforms his personal ride with the only body kit of its kind in Europe
The Toyota Supra had a complete transformation

A Ferrari dealership in Madrid has been announced the best in the world
They faced tough competition