These VR glasses transform your handheld device into a 201-inch screen for gaming
These VR glasses transform your handheld device into a 201-inch screen for gaming

Not exactly an apples-to-apples comparison, but they’re cheaper than Meta’s VR glasses

Saudi billionaire flew $1.2m fleet of gold cars to London so he could get about while on holiday
Saudi billionaire flew $1.2m fleet of gold cars to London so he could get about while on holiday

What a way to mark your arrival in the capital.

Vacheron unveils watch that gives off its own fragrance while you wear it
Vacheron unveils watch that gives off its own fragrance while you wear it

That is actually a nice idea

Pictures reveal scale of world’s first floating theme park on Saudi oil rig
Pictures reveal scale of world’s first floating theme park on Saudi oil rig

It’s hard to get your head around.

Secretive $187m ‘Doomsday plane’ is a fortress in the sky, ready for anything
Secretive $187m ‘Doomsday plane’ is a fortress in the sky, ready for anything

The aircraft is a key component of the National Military Command System.

F-14 performing a wing sweep is the coolest maneuver that will take your breath away
F-14 performing a wing sweep is the coolest maneuver that will take your breath away

Straight out of the original Top Gun movie

Royal Marines test ‘Iron Man’ jet packs in groundbreaking test
Royal Marines test ‘Iron Man’ jet packs in groundbreaking test

Can we get a ride too?

Bugatti’s most powerful automobile to date is tested and ready for production
Bugatti’s most powerful automobile to date is tested and ready for production

Too fast for race tracks

Crucial Tesla self-driving feature remarkably saved man who needed to go to hospital
Crucial Tesla self-driving feature remarkably saved man who needed to go to hospital

Elon Musk expressed his relief.

Ferrari files patent for wild system Musk dreamt about for Tesla
Ferrari files patent for wild system Musk dreamt about for Tesla

Tesla thought about it, Ferrari actually went ahead and did it