So good it should be illegal…and it is

When it comes to owning an EV, the biggest fear is its charging accessibility, and one man has affirmed the fear by switching back to combustion engine cars for this very reason. Aside from certain states in America, the accessibility of EV charging systems is still leaving much to be desired. That’s especially true for […]

And it has a proper V8 in it

To be fair, this is one of the most unreliable cars in the world

He had no idea what he was about to uncover

This abandoned Porsche Boxster was left for two years in a Texas field, but it needed more than a brave hand to save it. Texas is filled with all sorts of pesky critters, and we’re not just talking about Rangers fans. Rather unwanted, slithery, limbless reptiles that love to inhabit the weirdest places and strike […]

This car had a lot of miles on the clock

‘Who said money can’t buy happiness?’