A mechanic whose latest restoration job is an abandoned Tesla Model S has hit a major problem. The electric car is one of the best on the market, but somebody has discarded this EV for pastures new. Instead of dominating the roads, it was stuck in a parking lot for months. Now, it won’t move […]

This abandoned plane is now ready for a new life

A plane with a rich history and a sad story

The value soared more than they expected

In a bid to land themselves a bargain, one man bought an abandoned helicopter in a crate from South America, but not all was it first seemed. Car restoration projects can sometimes be lucrative, especially old vintage American cars primed for a refurb. But some mechanics are wheeling themselves out of cars and onto planes […]

The ship can still be restored

The repair bill came as quite the shock

If the Cessna 401A starts, it’s his to keep

A gold mine for abandoned cars

An abandoned mansion with a lot to explore

A crashed Toyota has become a tourist attraction for 30 years, as passing drivers stop to ponder at is bewildering state. In a real-life version of Harry Potter’s Whomping Willow debacle, this Toyota Supra MK3 has spent its adult life totaled in the woods, attracting all kinds of tourists Having been left to the elements, […]

After spending 30 years abandoned in a shipping container, one Chevrolet Nova has been immediately bought and made to see the light of day again. Vintage Chevys seem to crop up in all sorts of places. Like spiders in dark cracks, an empty barn or shipping container in America is quite likely housing an abandoned […]

This car was in a mess