Indian company unveils a one-of-a-kind $2 million bus that resembles a blend of a high-speed train and aircraft
The modern-day GM Futurliner serves as a rolling advertisement

Abandoned Boeing 727 sitting idle at El Paso Airport for decades was bought for the price of 10 iPhones
This abandoned plane is now ready for a new life

Abandoned Boeing 737 sitting in a field in rural Canada is on Google Maps as a local landmark
A plane with a rich history and a sad story

Florida guys bought an abandoned Falcon 20 jet from Facebook Marketplace for $15k but then received the ‘unbelievable’ repair bill
The repair bill came as quite the shock

Michael Jordan and Cristiano Ronaldo both fly custom-liveried Gulfstream G650 jets, each adding their signature touch
These planes have cool personalized touches

Passenger plane abandoned because of faults takes off for the first time in 10 years
It had been grounded for ten years

China tests commercial supersonic prototype plane at twice the speed of Concorde
They say the first test flights might take off next year

Man who lost $250K lifetime first-class ticket after costing airline $21 million later regretted ever buying it
He spent an additional $150,000 to get a companion pass

Collector who lives on private runway owns rare biplane that’s the only one in the world
It’s at least 80 years old

There’s something you probably don’t know about the world’s largest aircraft boneyard in Arizona with 3,000 planes
It’s far more than a place where aircraft come to ‘die’

Family owns hangar filled with vintage aircraft and engines recovered from Elvis’s private jet
It’s one heck of a family heirloom

Inside look at the world’s most bizarre aircraft NASA Super Guppy unconventional landing from the pilot’s POV
An oddball among the aircraft