Apple could be working on stretchable screens for its iPhones
Apple could be working on stretchable screens for its iPhones

This could be interesting

Meta Quest 3 update to incorporate one of Vision Pro’s best features
Meta Quest 3 update to incorporate one of Vision Pro’s best features

Making it a great alternative

Apple’s latest patent unveils revolutionary new modular iPhone design
Apple’s latest patent unveils revolutionary new modular iPhone design

Adding more features to the smartphone

Man shows off cameraless iPhone specially made for specific reason
Man shows off cameraless iPhone specially made for specific reason

This iPhone isn’t like the rest

Apple to nix iPhone feature with huge effect on users’ spending habits
Apple to nix iPhone feature with huge effect on users’ spending habits

Its been scrapped a year after it was launched

Useful new iPhone feature for when your battery dies coming in iOS18 update
Useful new iPhone feature for when your battery dies coming in iOS18 update

This could prove very useful