The front wheels do *not* look okay

It’s like its predecessors, but totally different at the same time.

With a couple of pontoons bolted to each side and a motor welded to the back, the guys take it out for a spin on the lake… and the results are epic.

In footage captured on a nearby dash cam, the tow truck is seen driving down a busy highway when it loses its balance and flips, smashing both sides of the Hummer.

With production now officially underway, GM says the first examples should be delivered to reservation holders this quarter.

We think we’ve stumbled across what is quite frankly one of the most hideous cars currently for sale.

‘I would never have imagined we’d have an electric Hummer that’s faster than a Lamborghini.’

Imagine a Landcruiser and a Humvee forged together and you get this beast.

No, this is not an optical illusion. This monster is real and it’s been spotted driving the streets.