Grab your iPad, we’ve got 10 great games for you to play

Published on Feb 25, 2022 at 3:53 PM (UTC+4)
by Marcus Milligan

Last updated on Mar 09, 2022 at 11:21 PM (UTC+4)
Edited by Kate Bain

Mobile gaming has never been better thanks to the hundreds of games you can play on your phone.

But if you want something a bit more challenging, grab your iPad because we’ve got 10 awesome games that are perfect for the bigger and more powerful iPad screens:

Grid Autosport

Grid Autosport is a mobile game with close to console-quality graphics.

There are 100 cars included and racing fans will appreciate the responsive controls.

And just a heads up, this game is addictive. A few minutes can easily turn into hours before you know it. 

Leo’s Fortune

If you’re looking for a fun and characterful platforming game, then look no further than Leo’s Fortune.

You’ll find yourself in control of a moustached ball of fluff named Leo in search of his stolen gold.

Along the way, you’ll have several puzzles to solve as you follow the trail of coins left by the thief.

Rocket League Sideswipe

Rocket League has been a massive success on consoles and now the rocket-propelled car football game is available on the iPad.

Sideswipe is perfect for some quick fun between work thanks to its quick 2 minute matches.

You can also mod your cars with a lot of the same items found in the main game.


Oddmar is a Viking-themed platformer from the creators of Leo’s Fortune.

Throughout the 24 levels, you’ll have to run, jump, and fight to prove yourself worthy of a place in Valhalla.

This is a game that will leave you wishing for more once you reach the end of the story.

Mini Metro

Designing a subway map doesn’t sound like much fun, but Mini Metro manages to turn it into an entertaining and addictive experience.

The aim is to prevent the stations from overcrowding, and It’s easy to find yourself spending hours designing the perfect layout to keep the city running smoothly.


Inks is a wonderfully unique take on a classic pinball game that is as beautiful to look at as it is fun to play.

Each level features coloured targets that explode with ink when you hit them creating vibrant patterns as the ball bounces around the table.

This game offers a challenge without ever becoming frustrating.

Hidden Folks

At first glance, Hidden Folks looks incredibly simple but the well-crafted levels are surprisingly difficult to master.

You could think of this as a modern take on Where’s Waldo with hand-drawn animated scenes.

Finding every object on a level can be a real challenge but the charming visuals and sound effects make it a joy to play.


I’m sure everyone has heard of Minecraft by now, it’s playable on every platform imaginable and the iPad is no exception.

There’s a almost limitless amount of things to do in this pixelated world so it still feels fun even after hundreds of hours.

Super Hexagon

This is probably the hardest game on this list but also one of the most addictive. 

The levels are named hard, harder, and hardest for a reason and no matter how frustrated you get, you always end up having just one more go. 

It’s a simple concept of avoiding obstacles, but some take many hours of practice to master.

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# Tags - Car News, Gaming, iPad, Tech


Marcus Milligan

Marcus is a writer and gaming enthusiast from the UK covering the latest tech, gadgets, and anything on four wheels from the real and virtual worlds.