Parents react to son spending $106K restoring their 45-year old Ford XA Superbird that was crashed decades ago
- One Australian man restored his parent’s Ford XA Superbird
- It was nearly destroyed 20 years ago, and took $106,000 to fix
- Someone was cutting onions…
Published on Dec 07, 2024 at 1:00 AM (UTC+4)
by Jack Marsh
Last updated on Dec 09, 2024 at 8:38 PM (UTC+4)
Edited by
Tom Wood
A son brought his parents to tears after he spent a colossal $100k restoring a Ford XA Superbird that had been out of action for decades.
As rare cars go, the Ford XA Superbird is one of the most unique, sprucing up the more vintage Falcon 500 series with a punishing V8 engine and a color palette that requires an acquired taste.
Nonetheless, they are pretty cool. But could you imagine spending $100k on a near-totalled Superbird?
Well, that’s the story of one son, who brought his parents to tears as he spent six figures on restoring their Ford XA Superbird which hadn’t seen the road in over 20 years.
Parents break down as son restores their beloved Ford XA Superbird
Who doesn’t love a heartfelt restoration story?
An Australian man, named Tommy, has been partaking in one heck of a restoration job, as his parents’ Superbird had been sitting in the back garden for 20 years after a near-fatal crash.

The car was originally smashed to pieces in an accident that saw Tommy’s dad roll it into a ditch.
With initial damage to the exterior and engine, the car was also left to the elements for 20 years, causing further issues that would soon have become irreversible.
Highlighted in a YouTube video by Wonder Worlds, Tommy enlisted the help of several professionals, sourced spare parts, spent four years of hard work, and cashed in a total pool of $106,000 worth of work.
By the end, Tommy had restored the Superbird to its prime state.
The car lent parts, such as the hard-top shell roof, from other Ford XA Coupe cars in the massive restoration job, while the engine was rebuilt with its original core and the body was resprayed in its signature lime green and jewel green colors.
The end product was impressive.
But Tommy still had to present this to his folks.

Ford XA Superbird owners break down after $100k restoration job
The parents were surprised as Tommy pulled up to their house with the Superbird in an impressive state
Both mom and dad were visibility cut up in the reaction video,
“This car brings back a lot of memories,” the mum said.

Despite potentially fetching a massive sum if it were to be sold, the car is expected to become a family heirloom, as the parents refused to take it back and Tommy vowed to pass it on to his children when the time comes.
Its also a testament to Ford, whose long-standing vehicles continue to defy logic when it comes to these restorations.
The full video can be found below:
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