
El History Supreme es el superyate más caro jamás vendido y está hecho de oro

¿Es todo lo que parece?
  • The History Surpreme is a 100-foot superyacht covered in platinum and gold from bow to stern
  • The $4.8 billion superyacht was apparently purchased by an anonymous Malaysian businessman believed to be Robert Kuok
  • The lavish master bedroom is adorned in platinum, with a wall feature that is made from meteoric stone and a genuine T-Rex dinosaur bone

Published on Jan 3, 2024 at 8:37PM (UTC+4)

Last updated on Jan 4, 2024 at 4:41PM (UTC+4)

Editado por Amelia Jean Hershman-Jones
The History Supreme is the most expensive superyacht ever sold and it's made of gold

We’ve seen our fair share of opulent yachts, like the Star Wars-inspired ‘Estrella‘ or the ‘Floating Sphere‘ superyacht, but The History Supreme takes the gold-encrusted biscuit.

Apparently, the 100-foot superyacht is covered in platinum and gold from bow to stern, and even has a feature wall made of T-Rex bone and meteorite.

And, as you can imagine, it’s worth a staggering amount – $4.8 billion to be precise.

READ MORE! Inside Tiger Woods; 6,500 sq ft private yacht bought with his billions

If truth be told, The History Supreme is one of the biggest boating myths.

No one has ever seen the superyacht and, for that reason, internet sleuths think it doesn’t exist.

But the story’s interesting nonetheless, so here it goes…

When you picture the most expensive yacht in the world, a 100-foot vessel is not what springs to mind.

The floating cities that park off Monaco are upwards of 328 feet in length, with REV being the longest yacht in the world at 602 feet.

But they’ve got nothing on the extravagance of what’s claimed to be inside The History Supreme.

¿Cómo consiguieron un barco de 4.800 millones de dólares?

Let’s start with the 100,000 kilograms of gold and platinum that builder Stuart Hughes’ website claims was used in construction.

Se dice que incluso el casco del barco está envuelto en una capa de oro.

Inside the yacht you’ll find… more gold.

“All features including deck, dining area, rails, anchor, [are] made from precious metals,” The History Supreme’s creator, Hughes says.

The sleeping quarters have a feature wall “made from meteoric stone with genuine dinosaur bone shaved in from the raptor T-Rex,” Hughes’ website says.

Hughes es conocido por envolver objetos en oro y diamantes, los más famosos iPhones.

So this makes sense, but he’s not known as a boat builder, and despite several interviews with news outlets saying it was real, nobody has spotted this beast in the wild.

So who owns The History Supreme?

Similar to the boat itself, it’s a bit of a mystery, although Hughes claims to have built the luxury yacht for a Malaysian businessman.

Pero los detectives de sillón creen saber quién es ese hombre de negocios.

The rumors are that it belongs to Robert Kuok, founder of the Shangri-La hotel and resorts chain.

Kuok is the richest person in Malaysia and Forbes estimates his worth at a cool $10.5 billion.

This doesn’t quite add up either, though, as why would a billionaire spend nearly half his fortune on a boat?

Pero aún más misterioso es dónde está el barco.

No se ha visto en los principales puertos que frecuentan los multimillonarios.

Y algunos foros de yates creen que las imágenes están tomadas de otro yate de concepto similar.

¿Qué significa todo esto?

As a concept, it’s incredible – but is it real?

There’s no evidence to say it was built, other than Hughes’ website claaiming it took three years to build.

Quizá le interese

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