
Comment les gens se déplaceront-ils dans la "Ligne" d'Arabie saoudite, d'une valeur d'un milliard de dollars, sans voitures ni routes ?

It's building communities around people rather than roads.

  • The Line will run on 100% renewable energy
  • Communities would be built around people – not roads
  • An advanced public transportation system will help residents get around


Published on Feb 12, 2024 at 5:47PM (UTC+4)

Dernière mise à jour le 22 février 2024 à 3:37PM (UTC+4)

Édité par Alessandro Renesis

‘The Line’ in Saudi Arabia is one of the most talked about mega projects today, with its creation costing an unbelievable $1 trillion.

It’s a futuristic city that will extend for 160 kilometers and it’ll be 200 meters wide.

It was labeled ‘The Line’ because it is literally a line that extends horizontally for miles across the desert.

READ MORE! Saudi Crown Prince developing an upside-down skyscraper built into a 450-meter-tall mountain

And it’s sheer sprawling size is pretty awe-inspiring.

In short, it almost looks like a horizontally laid-down skyscraper – however it will cost significantly more.

The Line will be based in Neom, an incredible urban area that was announced by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 2017.

10 regions will make up the Neom mega project in Saudi Arabia.

Neom is at the heart of Saudi Arabia’s vision for the future, with the aim being economical growth alongside playing a key role in global leadership.

And with crystalline skyscrapers on the horizon – it’s already looking pretty impressive.

The Line itself was first announced in a report published in January 2021.

La construction de la ligne de démarcation, le gigantesque projet de 1 000 milliards de dollars auquel travaille l'Arabie saoudite, est en bonne voie.

Given it is one of the complex infrastructure projects the world has ever seen, on a scale of its own, everybody is keen to view how developments are unfolding.

The aim is to complete the project by 2030 and new drone footage shows how fast progress is being made.

What makes The Line that little bit more interesting is that it would not function like a normal city.

There would be no cars or roads and it will run on 100% renewable energy.

Communities would be built around people.

Except people would obviously still need to get around.

So the solution is an advanced public transportation system.

High-speed rail with an end-to-end journey time of 20 minutes.

With no cars, this system would have to be flawless and that is what is planned.

Could this spell the end for cars?

Time will tell.

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