
Eye-popping price tag of world’s priciest advanced fighter jet F-35

The price of the most expensive fighter jet will blow your mind.

  • Lockheed Martin has created the F-35 Lightening II
  • Aside from its impressive capabilities, it has an eye-popping price tag
  • They cost a staggering $177 million each.

Published on Mar 15, 2024 at 8:27PM (UTC+4)

Dernière mise à jour le 18 mars 2024 à 1:28PM (UTC+4)

Édité par Kate Bain

Lockheed Martin, home of cutting-edge aviation technology, has created the F-35 Lightening II – and aside from its impressive capabilities, its eye-popping price tag has everyone talking.

Le coût des avions militaires est estimé à 177 millions de dollars chacun.

And, with the the F-35 Lightening II widely regarded as the world’s priciest advanced fighter jet, it makes sense.

READ MORE: Boeing unleashes speed demon as new F-15 Eagle soars at Mach 2.5

How can they justify the cost? Let’s break down what this baby can do.

Designed as a versatile combat aircraft, the F-35 is intended to excel in a variety of missions.

These range from air superiority to intelligence gathering, surveillance, and literally anything you want from a fighter jet.

Il n'est pas étonnant que l'avion ait attiré l'attention des armées du monde entier, les États-Unis, l'Australie, le Canada et plusieurs autres pays investissant massivement dans son acquisition et son développement.

La famille F-35 se compose de trois variantes principales : le F-35A, le F-35B et le F-35C.

While all the three variants cost a fortune, F-35B in particular is the most expensive one, aiding the pilot with quick takeoff and a smooth vertical landing.

With numerous successes – and criticisms – F-35 has seen a lot throughout its journey.

Since development, the fighter jet has undergone extensive changes and testing, and the first prototype took its maiden flight in 2006.

While F-35’s hefty price tag has somewhat divided opinion, its advanced capabilities arguably justify the price.

It offers sensor fusion technology, stealth features, over the top speed, durability, and a host of battle supporting features

The fighter jet continues to push the boundaries of aviation technology and shape the future of aerial warfare.

Want more? Watch the SR-71 Blackbird set four new speed records the day before its retirement.

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