
Rivian pick-up truck customized with crazy ‘moss’ body kit

You'll either love it or hate it.

Published on Sep 26, 2023 at 1:36PM (UTC+4)

Last updated on Sep 27, 2023 at 9:44AM (UTC+4)

Édité par Kate Bain
Rivian hero image

Somebody did this to a Rivian R1T truck and people, predictably, have opinions.

And these opinions are just as colorful as the truck, and just as polarizing.

READ MORE: New footage shows the Cybertruck’s rear-wheel steering in action

It all started with this crazy build by SOFLO Customs, a company that specializes in extreme customization for pick-up trucks.

We should point out that SOFLO stands for South Florida, so if you wanted to attribute this crazy build to the proverbial ‘Florida Man’, well, you’d technically be right.

Pictures of this Rivian were shared on Facebook’s Club Rivian group and people flooded the comment section with both vitriol and excitement.

There’s no in-between and to be honest it’s not difficult to see why.

Thanks to the exaggerated love-it-or-hate-it body kit, the truck now looks ‘buff’.

Like it spent some time at the gym.

The wheels are now painted gold and the each body panel is covered in an odd wrap that looks like it’s made of moss.

SOFLO calls this the ‘Nirvana’, which also happens to be an anagram of the word ‘Rivian’ with an extra ‘A’.

Whatever else you may call it, it ain’t subtle.

A lot of people drew similarities with the design of the Cybertruck.

“[This was probably] designed by the guys who got fired from the Cybertruck design team,” one user said.

“What in the Cyberivian is that?” another asked.

Not everyone hated it, though.

“The mod is nuts, and I do like how they made ‘Nirvana’ out of available letters,” one said.

“Oh that’s awesome,” another said.

‘Florida Man’ mods aside, the Rivian R1T is just as popular as the Cybertruck, and unlike Tesla’s truck, it is actually here.

So far in 2023, Rivian has delivered roughly 20,000 vehicles.

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