
Der reichste Mensch Asiens, Mukesh Ambani, besitzt ein 71 Millionen Dollar teures Anwesen in London, das er über einen Anruf erworben hat

He owns prime properties all around the world.
  • Mukesh Ambani is the richest man in India
  • Back in 2021, he purchased a luxurious estate in London
  • It cost him a staggering €71 million – and he bought it via a Facetime call

Published on Apr 19, 2024 at 2:15PM (UTC+4)

Last updated on Apr 22, 2024 at 8:27PM (UTC+4)

Bearbeitet von Tom Wood
Der reichste Mensch Asiens, Mukesh Ambani, besitzt eine 71 Millionen Dollar teure Londoner Villa, die er über einen Anruf erworben hat

While most of us use FaceTime calls to keep up with friends and family, the richest man in Asia, Mukesh Ambani, purchased an extravagant London estate and mansion.

The acquisition of the London Georgian mansion and its surrounding estate was made back in 2021.

And it didn’t come cheap.

In fact, it set the Indian billionaire entrepreneur back a staggering €71 million.

READ MORE! Most expensive watch at Anant Ambani’s party was actually worn by his brother

Stoke Park is an ancient 300-acre estate that featured in James Bond film, Goldfinger, and was – until Ambani’s arrival – home to a renowned golf and country club.

The sprawling property boasts an impressive 49 bedrooms, a stat which means it’s one of the largest and most extravagant residential acquisitions in recent years.

It’s proof – if any were needed – of Ambani’s drive to own prime properties all around the globe.

Ambani also owns Antilia, the world’s most expensive private residence.

Located in Mumbai, India, the home was commissioned and built by Mukesh Ambani himself.

And to say it’s an architectural masterpiece is an understatement.

Towering over the city, the home spans 27 stories for a grand total of 400,000 square feet of usable space, which is incredible when you think about it.

There are hotels and casinos in Las Vegas that are smaller than that.

Standing 173 feet tall, Antilia is actually taller than most Las Vegas hotels as well, including the Palms, the Bellagio, and even the Paris.

It has a ballroom, a helipad on the roof, nine elevators, a 50-seat theater, terrace gardens, spas and swimming pool, a health center, and even a temple.

What you’re definitely not prepared for is the size of the garage, which is big enough to park 168 (!) vehicles.

These include the Royce Cullinan Black Badge worth $1.33 million Ambani bought for his equally entrepreneurial and philanthropic wife, Nita Ambani.

A fan of the British automotive maker, she also has a head-turning customized Rolls-Royce Phantom.

Check out her stunning $7.5 million necklace that allowed her to outshine her son at his pre-wedding festivities earlier this year.

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