
Las imágenes del interior de la cabina del Concorde parecen extremadamente tranquilas para un avión que vuela a 2.470 km/h.

Its speeds were comparable to a Formula One car during takeoff.
  • The supersonic speeds of Concorde actually were a far calmer experience than you’d expect
  • Concorde traveled at over twice the speed of sound
  • It’s technological innovation meant that flying this fast was a luxury experience

Published on Mar 28, 2024 at 3:27PM (UTC+4)

Última actualización el Apr 2, 2024 at 6:57PM (UTC+4)

Editado por Tom Wood

The supersonic speeds of Concorde might sound eye-watering, but as this vintage footage suggests – it was far more civilized than you might think.

Concorde had a maximum speed of Mach 2.04 (1,354 mph or 2,180 km/h) at cruise altitude, over twice the speed of sound.

Hailed as the world’s greatest airliner, it was renowned for its unique blend of technological innovation and outstanding design.

READ MORE! Reason behind so many flights being pushed to near-supersonic speeds recently

In fact, despite being retired in 2003, its iconic status remains intact.

For many years, Concorde was the ultimate way to travel in flashy and luxurious style – and this amazing footage is proof of why.

Era el único avión comercial capaz de realizar vuelos supersónicos, lo que permitía a los pasajeros viajar al doble de la velocidad del sonido y llegar a su destino más rápido que nunca.

El primer avión supersónico comercial, que llegaba a Nueva York desde Londres en menos de cuatro horas, era muy popular entre los viajeros de negocios.

“If you travel in a fighter airplane at this speed you’ll be sitting in a pressure suit breathing through an oxygen mask,” said BA Concorde Captain, Chris Norris.

It seated 92 to 128 passengers.

With its high-profile clientele and peerless travel time, the supersonic jet seemed poised for long-term success.

Powered by Rolls-Royce Olympus engines with reheat, Concorde accelerated rapidly, reaching speeds comparable to a Formula One race car during takeoff.

Special panels within the engine intake adjusted to slow down airspeed, a crucial feature for maintaining supersonic flight.

Per the video by Ian Maw, Concorde’s wings were specially designed to maintain balance and stability during high-speed flight.

Passengers enjoyed unparalleled luxury and comfort while traveling at supersonic speeds, savoring champagne and cruising considerably higher than other aircraft.

In fact, only astronauts were higher than the passengers and crew.

Pero varios factores, desde el precio de los billetes hasta un catastrófico accidente en 2000, llevaron al avión a su desaparición.

El precio del billete era astronómico: unos 12.000 dólares en moneda actual por un viaje de ida y vuelta a través del Atlántico.

Afortunadamente, después de dos décadas, varias empresas han entrado en la carrera supersónica.

De hecho, la NASA acaba de presentar un revolucionario avión "silencioso" destinado a vuelos supersónicos comerciales.

El estruendo supersónico se reduce

Rather than the typical jarring sound, the sound of NASA X-59 is reduced to a ‘neighbor’s car door down the street being closed’ – making the US Federal Aviation Administration more likely to approve it for flights over populated areas.

Concorde flights were meticulously planned to maintain supersonic speeds for as long as possible, often taking advantage of high-altitude cruise climbs and specific routing over the Atlantic.

Concorde’s aim was to minimize noise pollution, with noise abatement employed during takeoff and landing.

On the approach to airports, predefined routes were marked out, utilizing special procedures to minimize noise disturbance over populated areas.

It still caused disruption, however, as this nostalgic clip reveals.

Algunas de las imágenes de este artículo se crearon con IA.

Quizá le interese

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