
Unusual midair UFO encounter leaves plane passengers astonished and bewildered

It's little wonder passengers were left freaked out – how bizarre.
  • Kerry Forides filmed the UFO from his plane while flying over the Aegean Sea
  • The unidentified object performs several maneuvers that seem like they would be impossible for any known aircraft to pull off
  • The bizarre midair UFO sighting left plane passengers freaked out

Published on Feb 20, 2024 at 9:24PM (UTC+4)

Last updated on Feb 21, 2024 at 7:44PM (UTC+4)

Editado por Amelia Jean Hershman-Jones

If you’re familiar with flying, you’ll know there’s not really much to see out of the window when you’re midflight.

If you’re lucky, you might see another passenger jet cross paths.

But how would you react if you caught glimpse of an unidentified flying object (UFO)?

That’s the position Kerry Forides found himself in on a flight bound for Athens, Greece back in 2018.

Forides was quick to grab his camera to film the bizarre object from his plane while flying over the Aegean Sea.

The video shows the UFO performing several maneuvers that seem like they would be impossible for any known aircraft to pull off.

Understandably, the bizarre midair sighting left the plane’s passenger freaked out.

Surpringly, though, it’s not the best UFO footage ever – that titles belongs to footage captured by a Columbian pilot of an unidentified object at 12,500 feet.

Quizá le interese

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