
Apple dévoile Vision Pro et une vidéo montre qu'il pourrait s'agir de l'avenir

If you've been wondering whether it's worth the price tag, this video might be the answer.
  • The Apple Vision Pro is finally here
  • Apple has reportedly already sold 200,000 units
  • In a recent YouTube video uploaded by Apple themselves, we get a better idea of what it’s capable of

Published on Feb 1, 2024 at 5:59PM (UTC+4)

Last updated on Feb 1, 2024 at 9:46PM (UTC+4)

Édité par Amelia Jean Hershman-Jones

There’s been a lot of mystery surrounding the Apple Vision Pro since the unveil and there are two questions people have been asking.

One: why are there no images or videos of Apple CEO Tim Cook wearing or using one?

And two: is it worth the controversial $3,500 price tag?

The first question was answered by Vanity Fair, because they (finally) managed to take pictures of Tim Cook with the Vision Pro.

As for the second question, the latest video uploaded by Apple to their YouTube channel may provide an answer.

The new clip, which is just over one minute long, showcases the many use cases with the Apple Vision Pro.

We knew that the VR headset can be used for work, to watch movies and do video calls (amongst other things) but we now what that actually looks like.

Apple has reportedly already sold 200,000 headsets, so stay tuned for some real world reactions in the coming days and weeks.

Some of the images used in this article are created using AI

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