
Un cybertruck se faufile dans la neige avec des roues à chenilles tout en remorquant dans une vidéo époustouflante.

One of the craziest Cybertruck customizations yet.
  • This Cybertruck features a jaw-dropping customization
  • The custom Cybertruck was built by YouTuber, Dave Sparks
  • It uses snowmobile tracks instead of normal wheels

Published on Feb 23, 2024 at 6:13PM (UTC+4)

Last updated on Mar 1, 2024 at 3:05PM (UTC+4)

Édité par Amelia Jean Hershman-Jones

Tesla’s Cybertruck is one of the most unique-looking vehicles, but some people are not so easily satisfied.

Content creator, Dave Sparks, known as HeavyDSparks on YouTube and Instagram, has customized the Cybertruck with some crazy snow track wheels.

He wrote on Instagram that he is more excited to drive this than anything he has driven in a very long time. 

READ MORE! Tesla engineer puts Cybertruck rust claims to bed by responding to owners

In the video, the customized Cybertruck can be seen plowing through the snow with its massive track wheels.

Sparks has nicknamed the truck, CyberTrax and is planning on releasing a full YouTube video on his channel soon.

Content creator, Supercar Ron, shared even more amazing pictures of the Cybertruck in its full glory.

And he even captured the behemoth getting into a spot of trouble stating: “setbacks are expected”.

Sparks also shared a video showcasing the building process of the vehicle modification.

According to him, they built a new upper control arm and built a custom steel frame to prevent it from cracking.

They also replaced the airbag with a coil-over suspension.

All of this was done to protect it from the tremendous force of the tracks.

These upgrades were necessary since the previous upper control arm was folded like a piece of paper from the tremendous pressure of the track systems.

However, this is not the craziest customized Cybertruck modification we have seen since its release.

While it isn’t exactly a modification, YouTuber ND Woodworking Art made a fully functional Cybertruck out of wood for $15,000.

Sparks’ video also showcases the truck towing a person riding on a tube.

Speaking of towing, another Youtuber also tested the Cybertuck’s towing capabilities in freezing temperatures.

If you live in a region with lower temperatures, then owning an EV can be a bit complicated.

Many EV users, especially Tesla owners – were having trouble charging their vehicles in cold weather.

Some users said batteries weren’t charging, while others died altogether.

Eventually, Tesla released a statement via its website, advising owners to keep the battery charge level above 20 percent in the winter.

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