
The man that hand-painted every Rolls-Royce made in the last 20 years

And this includes the one-off models built on commission
  • Virtually every single Rolls-Royce is customized
  • Sometimes, buyers want specific decorations for the coachline
  • From production cars to limited-edition models, this guy hand-paints every single one of them

Published on May 6, 2024 at 5:46PM (UTC+4)

Last updated on May 7, 2024 at 9:55PM (UTC+4)

Édité par Alessandro Renesis

This is Mark Court and, technically, he’s ‘just’ a Rolls-Royce employee.

And yet there’s a lot more to the story than that.

You may have never heard of him, but he has one of the most important jobs at Rolls-Royce.

Because this man has hand-painted every Rolls-Royce in the last 20+ years.

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Court, a talented painter, applied for a job at Rolls-Royce in 2003 when he first heard the company would relocate to Goodwood, not too far from his home.

Speaking to CNN, Court said adapting to the job wasn’t too difficult for him.

“For me, it was just adapting a skill that I already had to a technique for doing six meters of car,” he told CNN.

Court’s job, his official title is ‘Coachline Painter’, requires talent and precision because he has to hand-paint the coachline of every Rolls model that leaves the factory.

And he does it on any car where that’s needed, from production cars to limited-edition models such as the Rolls-Royce Ghost and the La Rose Noire.

Crucially, he also has to paint the cars that are built on commission, which brings us to the question a lot of people might have in mind.

But isn’t he worried about getting wrong?

It’s not like he can just start over if he gets it wrong.

According to Court, the best way to deal with the pressure is to ignore it completely.

“This is just another car to me,” he said.

“[Because] if you start worrying about who owns them or where it’s going, it’ll play with your mind.

“Then you’ll never do it.

“You just got to be able to learn to shut off and do what you need to do.”

It clearly works since Rolls-Royce hired him 20 years ago and never gave it a second thought.

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