Blink and you may miss it

It really is something rather special

Maybe he wants to stay away from the paps

The Ford F-150 is America’s best-selling vehicle, and not without good reason. It has been used to transport and haul nearly everything you can think of. Now, the brand’s flagship model has been spotted transporting – of all things – a giraffe. And the people of Michigan are scratching their heads trying to work out […]

Ever wondered which Tesla has the best range?

A top Tesla engineer has revealed some of the secrets behind the latest Juniper refresh of its popular Model Y, as seen above. VP of engineering Lars Moravy has spoken at length about the new braking system for the updated Model Y, something that could make rival automakers very jealous. The Model Y refresh underwent […]

Is it a one-off or a new trend?

This supercar is made from quite the car cocktail