They were keen to see what it could do
They tried to drive this ancient vehicle
When they got there they realized why nobody else would go near it
Americans love their pickup trucks
The buyer remains a mystery but speculation is rife
This car has a huge fanbase and for good reason
It had missing components, low-quality finishes, and safety concerns
Things have certainly changed
It looks great after restoration
Don’t adjust your screen settings – it really looks like this
Faster than some Ferraris and Porsche
A son brought his parents to tears after he spent a colossal $100k restoring a Ford XA Superbird that had been out of action for decades. As rare cars go, the Ford XA Superbird is one of the most unique, sprucing up the more vintage Falcon 500 series with a punishing V8 engine and a […]
The story behind it is, as you can imagine, dodgy