Lamborghini sold more cars in 2024 than it’s ever done before
Lamborghini sold more cars in 2024 than it’s ever done before

Lamborghini is one of the world’s most iconic supercar brands. The Bologna Bull is renowned for crafting some of the finest vehicles on the Planet. 2024 was a testament to their success and craftsmanship, which saw the brand break a record. It was Lamborghini’s most successful sales year in the history of the company. DISCOVER […]

The Audi R8’s dramatic return in 2027 will reportedly be based on the Lamborghini Temerario
The Audi R8’s dramatic return in 2027 will reportedly be based on the Lamborghini Temerario

Audi R8 fans across the globe – rejoice! A lot of recent reports have suggested that the legendary R8 is not, in fact, dead. These reports indicate that the R8 will be back on the road as soon as 2027. And it is going to be sharing the same platform as a special Lamborghini. DISCOVER […]

Supercar Blondie answers: which country makes the most supercars?
Supercar Blondie answers: which country makes the most supercars?

In the global arms race to produce the best batch of four-wheeled beasts, the age-old question of ‘Which country makes the most supercars?’ has finally been settled. While the debate of the ‘best’ supercar will likely never be settled, given personal preference comes into play, the numbers can be crunched for the best-sellers. This doesn’t […]

Owner of the world’s first Oro Alba Lamborghini Revuelto can’t believe what he’s just bought
Owner of the world’s first Oro Alba Lamborghini Revuelto can’t believe what he’s just bought

This is a magnificent car, inside and out

Why Texas Longhorns player is being made to give back his 2024 Lamborghini Revuelto when he wants to keep it
Why Texas Longhorns player is being made to give back his 2024 Lamborghini Revuelto when he wants to keep it

The Lamborghini Revuelto is an extremely nice supercar. We can only imagine that it would make an even nicer gift, if you were lucky enough to receive one. However, a College Football player is being forced to give it back. And it all comes down to a defining moment of last season. DISCOVER SBX CARS – […]

Lamborghini’s first EV could well have 2,000bhp
Lamborghini’s first EV could well have 2,000bhp

It could be more powerful than previously thought

Lamborghini just launched a new $5,000 baby stroller limited to 500 units worldwide
Lamborghini just launched a new $5,000 baby stroller limited to 500 units worldwide

You can buy a used car for that

Man shares the breakdown of how he paid for his Lamborghini Revuelto to be transparent about it
Man shares the breakdown of how he paid for his Lamborghini Revuelto to be transparent about it

This YouTuber did the number crunching on his purchase

Dealership salesman in Louisiana spots a Lamborghini in parking lot but upon closer inspection realizes something’s not quite right
Dealership salesman in Louisiana spots a Lamborghini in parking lot but upon closer inspection realizes something’s not quite right

Lamborghini is one of the most iconic brands in the world. The Bologna Bulls brand is known for producing some of the finest machinery ever to grace the roads. One dealership salesman in Louisiana thought he’d spotted one of these incredible supercars in his parking lot. But, upon a closer look, the reality didn’t quite […]

18-year-old TikToker from Nigeria reveals how he created a Lamborghini replica out of scrap metal
18-year-old TikToker from Nigeria reveals how he created a Lamborghini replica out of scrap metal

This amazing creation took two years to make

Californian invited supercars to race his ‘fastest Tesla in the world’ and says if you beat it you keep it
Californian invited supercars to race his ‘fastest Tesla in the world’ and says if you beat it you keep it

Tesla have been seriously dominating the drag strip for some time now. The American EV manufacturer has been laying waste to some of the most powerful cars on the Planet. One YouTuber is so confident in his Tesla that he issued an open challenge to all comers. And he added a very interesting twist to […]

Man who’s been daily driving a Lamborghini Countach replica shares the main advantage to driving it over a real one
Man who’s been daily driving a Lamborghini Countach replica shares the main advantage to driving it over a real one

In an era defined by striking supercars, the Lamborghini Countach arguably stands above them all. Lamborghini’s 1980s icon remains one of the most legendary supercars ever produced. But one man has been using a replica Countach as a daily driver. And he’s now shared the main advantage of driving his supercar compared to driving a […]