
Inside jaw-dropping castle design for Conor McGregor featuring supercar garage

  • A team of AI architects have designed a concept castle for Conor McGregor
  • It comes with its own fighting ring
  • The garage holds a gold McLaren Senna and more

Published on Nov 22, 2023 at 6:55PM (UTC+4)

Last updated on Dec 5, 2023 at 2:59PM (UTC+4)

Editado por Alessandro Renesis
Inside jaw-dropping castle design for Conor McGregor featuring supercar garage
Kremlin.ru / Wikimedia Commons - Houses / Instagram

AI architects have designed a home fit for the king of the MMA ring: Conor McGregor.

And by ‘home’ we mean ‘huge Irish castle’.

READ MORE: Conor McGregor’s famous Lamborghini yacht wins major award

McGregor owns three properties already, one of which is dubbed the ‘Mac Mansion’ of Las Vegas.

But the team at Houses think he can do better.

Their concept home is an actual castle, complete with indoor swimming pools, stained glass windows, and an octagon ring.

Houses created a concept home for Conor McGregor set in the Irish countryside.

The ‘home’ is more of a castle, taking inspiration from McGregor’s birthplace of Ireland.

Sitting atop a mountain, this home offers both incredible views and privacy to the MMA champion.

It is decorated in a traditional style, with chandeliers, plush velvet and stained glass windows throughout.

The foyer is overlooked by two levels of balconies and features an opulent wooden staircase.

In the pool room, McGregor can swim laps while onlookers watch from the balcony above.

Or his three young kids can learn to swim in unmatched style.

McGregor’s bedroom is a nod to his Catholic upbringing.

With massive cathedral windows, a vaulted ceiling and gilded detailing, the room wouldn’t look out of place in Notre Dame.

The bathroom is a luxurious display of marble and gold.

It even features a second pool, in case the McGregor clan tires of the Olympic-sized one.

Most impressive are the rooms specially designed for McGregor.

The phrase ‘walk-in’ doesn’t quite sum up the scale of his wardrobe.

The dressing suite is lined with dark wood, black leather and rows and rows of custom suits.

McGregor’s home gym is a training room centered around a bespoke octagon cage.

Crafted in matte black, this is one of the most stylish fighting rings we’ve ever seen.

The ring is flanked by every weight the fighter might need to keep his strength up.

The last room we’ve been shown is his garage where he has at least 11 supercars.

At center stage is a gold McLaren Senna.

In real life, McGregor’s garage features a Lamborghini Aventador, a Rolls-Royce Ghost and more.

But given his expensive tastes we wouldn’t be surprised to see a McLaren in there one day.

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