Artist uses a McLaren Artura as her canvas and the results are dividing the internet

Published on Mar 08, 2022 at 12:47 PM (UTC+4)
by Ben Welham

Last updated on Mar 23, 2022 at 2:26 PM (UTC+4)
Edited by Kate Bain

Irish novelist Margaret Wolfe Hungerford once said “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”.

This applies to many aspects of life including this McLaren Artura art project, which is dividing the internet.

At a new exhibition in Dubai, British abstract artist Nat Bowen is showcasing the McLaren Artura which now features something called “translucent resin pigments” which, from what we can gather, is art jargon for swirly paint.

Bowen said the piece intended to explore the theme of “chromology”, the psychology behind colour and how your brain responds to it.

And she didn’t hold back on colour, using almost everything under the rainbow, each with a suitable chrome effect.

“It has been an honour to work with McLaren Automotive on this exciting concept and display it as part of my first solo exhibition in Dubai,” she said.

“My goal was to provide a truly immersive experience and transport the visitors into a meditative state away from everyday distraction, as well as allow them to further explore and develop their relationship with colour.”

We don’t know the final cost of the piece but we do know the canvas itself will set you back £180,000…

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# Tags - Art, Car News, Cars, Dubai, McLaren


Ben Welham

Ben is a freelance motoring journalist who studied Journalism and previously produced daily content at DriveTribe. He has a worrying obsession with Tudor watches, and his dream car is the Porsche GT3 Touring.