22nd Jul 2022
Measuring 4 feet (1.2 meters) in size, it’s actually a 1:1 scale version of the rocket launcher from the game.
This article has been sponsored by MANSCAPED™. Like the cheeky mullet, the beard and mustache are making a comeback. To help you decide how to shape your peach fuzz, we’ve put together the hairy hall of fame. And while we love to celebrate facial hair, we want to remind everyone that it’s not just your […]
The camera was owned by Leica’s inventor who made the first 35mm.
It was too cloudy for helicopters and it would have taken 70 minutes on foot!
Sick of doing chores? This could be the answer.
Ever wanted to fight someone while wearing a giant robotic suit? Today’s your lucky day…
A US couple bought the old helicopter off Facebook Marketplace.
It looks like something out of the Terminator, but this humanoid is very real.
The Apple Watch is for squares – Google’s ready to make smartwatches round again.
The company’s just taken a $20 million gamble.
This is the latest watch made by Panerai in partnership with Brabus, and it’s a 3D printed $60,000 beauty
Breaking news: you can (finally) service your Apple devices on your own
Somebody may have accidentally left a Pixel Watch prototype at a restaurant.