Incredible flying motorcycle being prepared to hit the skies

  • The jet bike could come as soon as 2028
  • It can carry 600 pounds of cargo, which is double its weight
  • It is powered by eight tiny but powerful jet engines

Published on Apr 16, 2024 at 4:48 PM (UTC+4)
by Nalin Rawat

Last updated on May 03, 2024 at 7:11 PM (UTC+4)
Edited by Tom Wood

Believe it or not, this unbelievable flying motorcycle could hit the skies by the end of the decade.

Formerly known as the Jetpack Aviation Speeder, this jet bike is moving ahead in development with a new name — the Razor.

Even the name of the flying vehicle is something straight out of a sci-fi movie.

Jetpack Aviation's flying motorcycle
Jetpack Aviation

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The flying motorcycle uses eight tiny but powerful jet engines to cruise at 60 mph for about 30 minutes.

It can also carry up to 600 pounds of cargo.

The bike itself weighs 300 pounds, giving it a size-to-payload ratio that sets it apart from other flying vehicles.

Many others have also tried to build their own flying vehicle, like this flying motorcycle that transforms into a hoverbike.

Unfortunately, the name change comes as the companies behind the flying motorcycle are temporarily pivoting away from the jet bike.

So, it might take a while till we see the jet bike in its full glory.

Jetpack Aviation and Mayman Aerospace, the companies behind the flying motorcycle are shifting their focus to their autonomous high-speed VTOL, Razor P50.

Even companies like BMW and Volkswagen are building their own VTOLs and flying cars.

The unmanned VTOL is a predecessor to Mayman’s flying motorcycle as it uses the same tech.

However, the VTOL is a more appealing and immediate business proposition for his firm.

They plan to focus on the military version first as a way to fund prolonged testing.

The aircraft will then eventually transition into the flying motorcycle.

The company had already started taking preorders for the jet bike, with an initial price of $381,000.

However, it would take a while till someone gets their hands on it.

According to David Mayman, the CEO of both Jetpack Aviation and Mayman Aerospace, ‘It wouldn’t be before 2028.’

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Nalin started his career by working with various national newspapers in India. He has also worked as a writer/editor for many popular websites, while still pursuing his journalism and mass communication degree. Working as a digital nomad has allowed him to inform and educate through his work. When he is not writing, you can find him playing video games or travelling the mountains on his bike.