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NASA looks at martian plane after losing its Mars helicopter
This is how long it'd take Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos to go broke if they spent $1 million a day
Satisfying video of drone removing ice from power lines becomes the internet's obsession
The truth about mysterious Bermuda Triangle where planes and ships 'disappear'
Steve Jobs once revealed what the 'i' in iPhone stood for
Man rebuilding Elvis Presley's jet reveals his amazing progress
iPhones will 'never be the same again' after upcoming upgrade
Elon Musk says Neuralink has implanted its first brain chip in a human
Unbelievable tech filmmakers use to shoot car scenes today
Adin Ross bought over $2m worth of watches for family and friends
Cybertruck debuts in China and the hype level there is off the charts
Imagining a world where supercars soar through the skies