First Boeing 747-8 BBJ 'flying mansion' scrapped in US after 30 flight hours
British Airways passengers had a nine-hour 'flight to nowhere'
Routine service test for Emirates Airbus A380 ended with surprising result
YouTuber went on adventure to cross the Atlantic Ocean in a Cessna


British Airways passengers had a nine-hour 'flight to nowhere'
This British Airways flight never reached its destination
Bill Gates has listed 'Wayfinder', his multi-million dollar support vessel
A deal worth grabbing
Rare glimpse at A350 flight deck as it flies over the North Pole in darkness
A memorable journey
220-foot all-electric vessel could become first fuel-free superyacht
This could be the future of superyachts
Austrian Airlines A320 performs high-speed low pass like it's at an Air Show
Its ground speed was over 350 knots
WATCH: These miniature replica fighter jets fly at 500 kilometers per hour
These fighter jets are just like the real thing - except a lot smaller
Australian millionaire spent $123,000 on most expensive flight ticket ever
It wasn't even a return
World’s most luxurious first-class cabin is more like being in a hotel than a plane
You won't want your flight to end
Low digit license plate sells for $1.7 million in Australia, one of nine ever made
A huge spend for a small number
World’s largest private jet designer crafted luxurious Airbus ACJ319 for Chinese businessman
What an amazing interior
The fastest-ever aircraft was a hypersonic rocket plane that flew at Mach 6.7
It set a record that's yet to be beaten
New custom 148-foot superyacht features sleek glass-covered superstructure
The yacht looks tremendous
Area 51 engineer revealed declassified photos from the secretive air base
They look surreal
Designer reimagines Gulfstream G700 interior taking it from luxurious to ultra luxe
It's designed to be a mile-high extension of the client's home
Jeff Bezos owns a $10 million private jet, but it's the unique toilet that takes focus
A unique and fascinating design
New tallest skyscraper in America approved to be built at 'unlimited' height
Oklahoma is about to get fancier
Airbus A330neo to revolutionize aviation industry with unique features
Aviation has a bright future
Why commercial planes are still so similar to those built 50 years ago
There's just a little less legroom
Feadship’s cutting-edge 195-foot hybrid superyacht is unlike any other vessel
The solar-powered project is the first of its kind
'Son of Concorde' company's superfactory will produce 33 supersonic aircraft a year
You'll be able to book a supersonic flight in the next few years
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