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Man owns unreal private jet villa made from a Boeing 737
Despite selling one private jet Taylor Swift's carbon footprint won't change due to owning an even bigger jet
Dubai's latest skyscraper is going for a new world record
Unbelievable simulator lets you play games using actual physical car
Jeff Bezos' $75m support yacht designed to back up his $500m megayacht spotted
Concorde simulator shows you exactly what it'd be like to fly Concorde
These guys crossed a Bugatti Chiron and a Gaz 21 Volga to create a Volgatti
Christian Bale has an extremely surprising everyday car despite $120m net worth
Man unboxes and reveals ‘smartphone from 2030’ with features that leave him astounded
What the 1,500-hp Bugatti Divo feels like to drive
Unboxing the world's cheapest pickup truck
China's own Hyperloop breaks its own record hitting more than 623 km/h