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flying saucer jet boat ufo
YouTuber created a flying saucer jet boat that would get conspiracy theorists' hearts racing
1973 corvette stingray surprise dad
Dad who sold sports car in 1976 surprised with his Corvette Stingray 40 years later
guy lives in car camper tiny home
Guy has adapted his car so he can live in it while he saves money to buy a tiny home
motorist strange noise car hood
Motorist heard strange noise from under car hood before uncovering baffling problem
fastest station wagon MG ZT-T Bonneville
The world's fastest station wagon is something you wouldn't expect in a million years
sultan of brunei most expensive royal car rolls-royce silver spur ii
Sultan of Brunei’s $14 million gold-plated Rolls-Royce Silver Spur II remains world’s most expensive royal car
andy warhol concorde flatware
Andy Warhol was so obsessed with the strangest thing onboard Concorde that he'd fly just to steal it
car thief's hideout muscle cars
Someone found an alleged car thief hideout in the woods with many cars still there
hybrid electric aircraft heart aerospace
Aerospace firm shows off hybrid electric aircraft that could be the future of aviation
kim kardashian custom tesla cybertruck
Kim Kardashian's customized Cybertruck is so unique there's no other like it
rolls-royce ghost ev
Businessman spent four years and almost lost his family just to turn his Rolls-Royce into an EV
honda civic worst discovery
Creators bought new car sight unseen then quickly discover in trunk why no one else has bought it