People are losing their minds over these double-decker plane seats

Published on Sep 14, 2023 at 4:16 PM (UTC+4)
by Adam Gray

Last updated on Sep 15, 2023 at 1:29 PM (UTC+4)
Edited by Kate Bain

People are losing their minds over these double-decker plane seats

Would you be willing to sit directly below another airplane passenger if it meant the cost of your ticket was cheaper?

Ok, it might not sound particularly appealing on paper, but the designer behind the double-decker plane seats believes it’s the future of economy flying.

Pictures of Núñez Vicente’s concept have gone viral – and they’ve been met with, well, mixed reactions. 

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First, let’s explain how exactly these double-decker plane seats, called the Chaise Longue, work.

The design looks like a space-saving bed you’d find in a tiny apartment.

To access the higher row of seats, you need to climb a couple of steps just like on a bunk bed.

The lower seats, which sit behind and partially underneath, have space for you to stretch your legs.

The brains behind the idea, Núñez, knows the importance of having enough space.

At 6 feet 2 inches (1.88 meters), he’s spent many a cramped flight struggling for legroom and failing to sleep.

So, he wanted to completely overhaul the design.

But what do people make of it? 

Some people are totally welcoming the idea.

Although they believe the seating would be best suited to short-haul flights, they’re also pleased it could potentially lead to cheaper ticket prices.

Then there are those who are dead set against the idea.

And there’s a common theme; claustrophobia and flatulence. 

Núñez insists those people have miunderstood his intentions.

He’s not trying to eradicate regular airplane seating altogether.

Instead, he envisages an airplane cabin in which the Chaise Longue is in the center, flanked by two rows of regular airplace seating.

He claims he designed the Chaise Longue to solve the airplane seat conundrum – not make it worse.

Despite the overwhelming majority of people being against the design, Núñez is putting all his efforts into making his vision a reality.

“To be honest, there’s no such thing as bad publicity,” Núñez told CNN Travel.

“Most of the time when they show you something new, everyone hates it at first, they’re scared of change.

“But the more you show it, and the more you develop it, and the more they see it, the more they get used to it.”

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Adam Gray

Adam Gray is an experienced motoring journalist and content creator based in the United Kingdom. Using his media accreditation with manufacturers’ press offices, Adam test drives the latest cars and attends new vehicle press launches, producing written reviews and news pieces for Before joining the Supercar Blondie team, Adam was Motoring Editor for Portfolio North magazine, North East Motoring Editor at Reach plc, and provided motoring content on a freelance basis to several lifestyle and business publications in the North of England. When he’s not behind the wheel of the latest car, Adam can be found at his local rink playing ice hockey or supporting his beloved Middlesbrough FC.