Nebraska cops get a call on man with odd highway passenger

  • These Nebraska cops had an unusual traffic stop to make
  • A man had been driving with an unusual passenger in his front seat
  • Suffice to say, it’d drawn a lot of attention

Published on Oct 02, 2024 at 2:57 PM (UTC+4)
by Ben Thompson

Last updated on Oct 03, 2024 at 6:21 PM (UTC+4)
Edited by Tom Wood

These Nebraska cops were in for a surprise when they received a call about a man driving down the highway with a very unusual passenger.

We’ve all heard of hacks to get into the carpool lane, but this is taking it to another level.

An onlooker called into Norfolk’s police department to report a man was driving eastbound on the highway with some unconventional cargo.

Given how quirky cars can get – like this one that had a tail – you know it had to be something exceptional to get the cops out.

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What about this car warranted the attention of cops in Nebraska?

The state of Nebraska is known as the ‘Cornhusker State’, due to its status as an agricultural powerhouse within the country.

After this incident, they may need to add ‘Cowhusker State’.

That’s right – this man reported to the police had a bull in his passenger seat.

And when we say bull, we mean a seriously big animal.

Not only is it mammoth in size, it has some seriously impressive horns on its head.

As reported by NBC News, Police Chief Chad Reiman said: “They thought it was going to be a calf or something small, something that fit inside the vehicle.

“The officer performed a traffic stop and addressed some violations that were occurring.”

For starters, half the car’s roof has been removed to accommodate the farm animal.

We’re not experts on agriculture, but we’re not sure this is the done thing.

And the best thing of all – the bull’s name was Howdy Doody.

This 9-year-old is half-Longhorn and half-Watusi, and reportedly weighed a whopping 2,200 pounds.

What happened to Howdy Doody in the end?

Given that the car had a ‘Nebraska’s BIG RODEO Parade’ sign attached to the side, it’s likely this was the intended destination for Howdy Doody.

But after the police intervened, they asked his owner, Lee Meyer, to return him home.

Howdy Doody’s owner only got a written warning from cops, so he luckily swerved a ticket.

Meyer said: “It’s a solid car, so I went on and purchased up and beefed up the frame that was under it and the suspension, the tires and floor and cut the top off, and we were good to go.”

Passenger cars can be renovated to accommodate animals but the approval of such vehicles is the remit of the State Patrol.

Given that some cars are banned altogether from the States – like this Lamborghini – it’s a wonder that cows somehow slipped under the radar.


Ben got his start in journalism at Kennedy News and Media, writing stories for national newspapers, websites and magazines. Now working as a freelancer, he divides his time between teaching at News Associates and writing for news sites on all subjects.