Guy connects NES console to ‘Space Helmet’ TV for huge hit of nostalgia

  • The JVC Videosphere is one of the coolest TVs ever
  • It looks like a space helmet from a spacesuit
  • Someone paired it with an NES to play Donkey Kong on it

Published on Jul 24, 2024 at 12:01 PM (UTC+4)
by Siddharth Dudeja

Last updated on Jul 24, 2024 at 7:39 PM (UTC+4)
Edited by Tom Wood

Nowadays, most TVs today look pretty similar to each other, but back in the 20th century brands used to get creative all the time, and launched things like the JVC Videosphere ‘Space Helmet’ TV.

Of course, it made absolutely no sense, but it was extremely cool.

You might be wondering why anyone would want a spherical TV that looks like a space helmet.

It’s not practical, but it’s certainly a glamorous thing to own if you’re a space enthusiast.

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The CRT that looked like an actual space helmet

When humanity first landed on the moon in 1969, it was a historic moment for everyone — so all companies celebrated, but in their own way.

These celebrations also included launching limited-edition space-themed products, and that included TVs, too.

Major brands like Sony and JVC made products that instantly reminded you of humanity’s greatest achievement to date.

The JVC Videosphere looked like an astronaut’s helmet, and it even came in three different colors.

However, the catch was that instead of an accessory made for space travel, there was a CRT TV hidden inside.

Unlike modern spacesuits with fancy tech, most spacesuits looked similar.

It was relatively much smaller than the televisions we normally see every day, but it stood out and even had a chain handle so you could carry it with you.

TVs in the modern day don’t have that, do they?

But, why would you want that, anyway?

The chain instantly reminded us of the huge radio and cassette players that people used to carry around for parties, so maybe that was the idea.

The Japanese brand launched the Videosphere ‘Space Helmet’ in 1974 and continued production until the early 1980s.

These have long since been phased out, and it’s actually quite rare to see someone who has one in working condition.

But, some of those who have the Videosphere are making sure to give everyone who remembers a wave of nostalgia.

The futuristic JVC Videosphere TV

A video uploaded on Instagram by an account called xtr3m3z showed a man using the Space Helmet TV with an NES console attached to it.

He played several old-school games like Donkey Kong and Contra on the odd-looking TV, and it looks magnificent, to say the least.

Although the NES launched well after JVC stopped making the Videosphere, it still worked flawlessly with the CRT TV.

Retro gaming is still clearly something that people want to take part in, and people like this gaming fan who created a portable PS1 Hanami are keeping the genre alive.

If that doesn’t seem appealing enough, some YouTubers have even tried their hands at hooking up modern gaming consoles like the PlayStation 5 and Xbox One to this Space Helmet.

All in all, this TV wasn’t a sensible thing to buy, but it was all about having fun.

# Tags - Lifestyle, Tech


Siddharth Dudeja

Siddharth is a tech nerd with a secret love of all things cars. He has been writing for a few years now, and on his free time you would find him gaming when he's not procrastinating.